SAFE Pledge

Sanitary - Affordable - Fast - Environmentally Friendly


Drain Doctor’s diagnostic experts provide solutions that are Sanitary, Affordable, Fast, and Environmentally Friendly.

We understand that our job is an extremely filthy and dangerous one, so we take precautions to keep you and your family safe from any fallout.

Drain Doctor is the leading choice for Health Care Facilities, Universities, and the Commercial Food industry.

Sewage is a Class 3 biohazard, which means your drains are jammed packed with dangerous bacteria and contagious diseases, so we take that seriously and handle our job with care.

We take you and your family’s safety to heart. When you hire a diagnostic expert to help get rid of a clog in a drain, you are in good clean hands.

We protect your family by using safe drain cleaning practices. Drain Doctor has the highest and strictest standards in the industry.

We don’t want to cause any harm. It is our job and responsibility to protect the health of our Nation.

Drain Doctor does this by taking the filth out of the dirtiest of dirty jobs.

We are the cleanest and safest drain cleaners in the world.

Amazing people and great companies around the nation are joining us in a Drain Cleaning Revolution to be the Standard of Sanitary, Affordable, Fast, and Environmentally Friendly.

The Drain Doctor Nation

Contact Us

Send us an inquiry regarding our service, we will be happy to discuss an offer. You can also contact us directly at

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